Our Meat Chickens

Soy-free, organic fed, pasture raised chickens.

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raising our chickens

We order our chicks from established, reputable hatcheries from around the country. They arrive to us within 48 hours of hatching, and are placed in a warm, welcoming brooder with plenty of fresh water and soy free organic chick starter feed. They stay there for about 2 weeks before they are moved to their outdoor pen.

Our first batch were raised in the moveable tractor pictured above. Currently, we are updating our facilities to include a rotating pasture pen system where they still have plenty of access to natural, non-chemically treated pasture forage, and are fed soy free organic broiler grain, plus fresh fruit and veg treats.

When they reach a minimum dress weight of 4 lbs, we humanely process, age, package and store them on site in our on site butcher facility.

When they’re available, you can purchase our chickens fresh through Rodger’s Greens and Roots Organic Farm online marketplace for local pick up on Saturday mornings, or frozen online through our own website for farm pick up by appointment.

Currently our meat chicken program uses only cornish cross chickens, which are bred specifically for size, taste, fast growth, and broad breast for maximum meat. Our future plans include more heritage breed meat chickens as a way of increasing breed populations, and providing a more sustainable product.
